The Tragedy Of Juliet and Romeo

Cherishma! π
Abiding to the request of readers, it’s a girl this
time too. I can hear you shouting, “When did we ask da?” Wait, I’ll answer.
Viba holds the record of the highest views for an article I’ve posted. So,
definitely, Kanda and Kishore are less interesting, when there’s a girl’s
article nearby. Anyway, let’s talk about the star of the article.
Cherishma, is the girl am gonna talk about. I got
introduced to her through Viba and it happened unannounced in a random group
studies session. I spoke really little to her that day, maybe I was afraid of
her strict look maybe! There’s another reason too. I’ll say the reason later.
We spoke briefly only in our third meet I guess!
Whats special about her da? Yeah, I’ll tell you. She’s
so different from all of us. When we all are keeping up with friends through
Instagram and WhatsApp, she is the person who likes to speak in person. Or, in
the least case, a call. So, we rarely see her online. If we see her too, she
would have the shortest conversation possible. Point to Point chat! She wont
spare much time for virtual people. But when it comes to a mobile conversation,
it may extend more than 1:38:43 hours! π
No, she isn't ADMK ambassador! That was a pose! |
Coming back to the beginning days, It was the third
time, we planned to meet at her home. I was purely irritated then as I had no
opinion upon her and no interest on going to her home. For a minute, I thought
of finding excuses to avoid that visit. I couldn’t find any excuses as everyone
knew that every 10th standard student would be jobless after his
boards, for at least two months! But going there made me find how normal she
was, unlike Viba and other people in her girls gang.
She was, No No, She is a quiet girl, still, in the
whole gang. I thought it was one of her characteristics, but recently found
that she had another reason for it. She actually likes to observe people. She observes
what people say, what other people react for it and what impact it creates on them.
With this good note, am going into the only incident
I got to know her directly maybe. Actually, I initiated a short film project with
Cherishma and others, then. Having Cherishma as a supporting character, I wanted
to see them acting and get fluent with Tamil. I think I forgot it! Did I say
that? Cherishma Vadapalli is Telugu based Pilla.
Before starting the actual shoot, we did a
rehearsal. Normal people select a scene from the film and rehearse it. But as
we were (are) bunch of Psychopaths, and we did a whole new script for rehearsal
purpose. It was a girl losing her boyfriend after he was murdered, and police
investigate to find the killer. I didn’t like the plot itself and ultimately wasn’t
concentrating much on the rehearsal either. As I wasn’t concerned much, they
simply enjoyed through the shots. It didn’t come out well. To mention, The girl
with utmost sincerity was Chintu of course. She was the only one who still
thinks I would shoot a film completely one day.
Who’s Chintu here suddenly, we call her that too. I prefer
Cherishma over Chintu but, for writing and mentioning her, Chintu is easier.
We then started planning all the get-together at
her home, without her consent. But as she always loved humans than virtual
friends, she never said a No.
Speaking about her great passion, she is such a great
artist. They’re colourful, meaningful and innovative in their own ways. She has
now started an Instagram page exclusively to showcase her works. She definitely
is worth for a consideration! Check @_._aesthetic.arts_._ In Instagram.
Casually posing it seems. |
Oops! I did an shout out for her page without even
asking the owner of this Blog! He’s gonna dethrone me from my current post! Wait
a minute, am the proprietor of this page! Then OK! Deepan won’t be sent out of
his job!
Anyway, summing up shortly about her, she is a rare
species to be found again. She speaks only when necessary, and uses her brain
the most for every situation! She loves Vijay Deverakonda and DQ, and… No, wait! All the
girls do. Shes no exception. The person who introduced different series to me
was her. Yeah, she has the whole Netflix library in her head! I’ll be grateful
for her as she was the reason I saw Sherlock!
Be The Same Forever, despite the efforts made to depromote you to a normal girl! All The Best, Cherishma, John Hamish Watson, Chintu or Cherry Vadapalli!
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