The Tragedy Of Juliet and Romeo

The Tragedy Of Juliet and Romeo Montagues and Capulets have fought all their lives. Romeo falls in love with Juliet, the moment he sees her. But what if she never liked him back? Have a small recap on Romeo & Juliet here:,being%20separated%20from%20one%20another. “No Romeo, I never thought about you that way," Juliet said, sitting in the brim of the window in her room. Romeo had climbed all the way up to her window. He looked disappointed but didn’t lose the spirit. “Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! For I ne’er saw true beauty till this night”, he expressed. Juliet frowned. “Well, you’re just 16. Trust me, there are more beautiful people than me. Also, stick to normal language. It’s hard to catch up”, she said. “You remember you kissed me? How would you explain that?”, Romeo questioned her back. She swallowed in confusion. “Romeo, I’m barely 13. What do you expect me to ...

Enga Annan! (Binny!) πŸ’–


Enga Annan! (Binny!) πŸ’–


Turning 18 years old, here’s the story about a Lion. No, he ain’t a fan of the Singam series. He is truly a lion. That’s why I call him that. No, not a fan of Kadaikutty Singam either. Shut the Soori in your brain. Shall we start?

From the empty roads in Krishna Nagar to the vast, but again-empty roads in Sipcot, we both became mature. We didn’t realize each other’s presence and how helpful it is until he spaced around 45 km away from me. We weren’t responsible for this and there was nothing we could’ve done.

Starting out to dig my old memories, we have always been in the same team, no matter what’s the festival. We also speak all the nonsense no one can even imagine. We apply our knowledge wherever possible. Recalling those days now, it has always been a ‘Outshining’ competition. Mostly he used to win, as he would easily blame that am 4 months younger than him.

He hates this pic. Maybe, that's why am lovin' it!

Hey wait, I told you we were on the same team right? Yeah, you read it right earlier. We always fight. But when there’s a third person, mostly Jothy Akka (Our sister, who deserves a separate article), we’ll team-up. We know that’s our rule. While I say the core plan, he improvises it fantastically.

Back in 2010, The cable operator at my home won’t add Cartoon Network, no matter how many times I requested. So, I used to flee to his home and we see Ben 10 together. We discussed different possibilities in which Villgax could’ve been killed. We used to shout at the screen to choose a wise alien than some stupid one. After the show ends, we split up the aliens 5 per person equally, and fight, until someone hurts the other one.

He is the one who introduced me, almost everything. He showed me the way to play online games in Windows XP. He was the one who showed me that movies can be downloaded and copied from one to another. He was the one who introduced me to the world of a gaming console. But I used my brain there. When he bought Xbox, I chose the right option, Playstation 2.

We talk about Hollywood, particularly about Johnny Depp or RDJ. This is a topic I could barely match, but there comes another topic that sounds Greek to me. He used to talk about what could've been a better option for Barcelona’s manager to make. He praises Messi with all the words he knows. If he hadn’t taught me his love for football, I would not even know the basics today.

For over a period of time, I had always wanted to live like him. I wanted to be as active as him. I had always aspired to read Harry Potter like him. I had wanted to be a good athlete as he is. He has trained me, for running as good as him. Following his instructions, before I start the race, he would be at the finish point. Even today, while I struggle with my breath to climb four floors up, he just cakewalks it.

Might be terrifying, but we rarely take selfies. 

Let's say you’re working late. You come home by 2 or 3’o clock. Open the lock with your spare key, and slide through the gate, without making a sound. What will you do if you see two young people sitting in the living room, researching the traces Raja Raja Cholan left around BC1000? We come up with sudden queries at odd times. Yeah, we have been potentially mad since birth. We sleep really late if we’re meeting after a long time.

Every gang has a real person right? Yeah, it’s the man of the article. He may sound demotivating at times, but he’s usually right. We, cousins, started a YouTube Channel, which he didn’t even care for. We had to pull him to every conference and make him talk, literally. His sulking made us angry then, but am afraid to agree that he was right for the whole time. We weren’t great at making our channel work. (But I would still like to blame his negligence for the massive failure.)

Good Old Days. Wish I could look worse with you again. 

So summing up, he is the person you would like, by your shoulders. Even though he’s my brother, he had been a very cool friend who knows all my secret desires and deepest secrets. Sometimes, I used to think that it's bad to speak with him with the suffix of ‘Da’. Then, I’ll laugh at my thought and continue. He had is 18th birthday two days back. I called to wish him, and we ended up talking about multi-dimensions and intuiting feelings. Yeah, may sound boring, but an hour went faster than Thanos’ snap.

This is my 18 years from his life. We had more memories that ain’t here. I’ll tell it sometime soon again.


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